
Auto-Responder is a feature that allows Duckie to automatically respond to messages in a channel. You can use Auto-Responder to provide immediate responses to common questions, share information, or engage with your team.

Configuring Auto-Responder

To enable Auto-Responder, follow these steps:

Install Duckie

  1. Invite Duckie to your workspace by following the integrations instructions.
  2. Invite Duckie to a Channel by typing /invite @duckie in the channel.

Enable Auto-Responder

Access the Duckie Web App

Open the Duckie web app, which is available at app.duckie.ai. If you don’t have access, follow the instructions to request access.

Create a new “Duckling”

Auto-Responders are called “Ducklings” in Duckie. To create a new Duckling, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Ducklings in the left sidebar

2. Select Create New Duckling

3. Select a channel and click Create

Primary Person of Contact

You can set a primary person of contact for each Duckling. The primary person of contact will receive notifications when Duckie is unable to respond to a message.

To set a primary person of contact, select a user from the dropdown list after creating a Duckling and click Save.

When a message is received that Duckie is unable to respond to, the primary person of contact will receive a notification in Slack.